Using my trusty cell phone camera I captured a recent digital print on canvas after unwrapping. Yes I know it’s blurry and the color from the snapshot is a little off. There is a bit more greenish tint in the real print. I was aiming for the green/red play of color. The colors of cell phones are dependent on the amount of light in the room I suppose.

My thinking here is that this illustrates the good feeling one gets when a lot of ideas start coming together. Of course other people may see other things, and that’s fine. As long as the eye can entertain the mind.
Below is the image flat on.

digital print on canvas
36″ x 36″ (91.44 cm x 91.44 cm)
One thing I should point out is that the construction of this image is totally digital. I am not reproducing an image of an “original” artwork, such as a drawing on paper or a painting.
One of the great things about working digitally is the ability to build a visual image library of oddly interesting images for collage and storing that library in a very very tiny space on our friend the hard drive. Well dear readers, the previous sentence should now win an award for the most rambling opening sentence of the year. But I am building a nice collection. Of images that is. (Although I am building a nice collection of rambling sentences.)
But getting back to the images that I like to find and save. I think I will call these OII(s), oddly interesting images. Using acronyms makes it sound more academic.
I found something from an old children’s story book, that sort of sat in my head for a while. Some children’s stories used to be a bit gruesome to say the least. I’m not sure how well children slept after this ending:

My question: Is there a moral here? First of all decapitation and consumption of what were humanoid type barnyard animals. Yikes. But the moral? Beware of something other than the sky falling? A glutinous fox perhaps.
It blows my mind how printing technology has evolved. I love the power of paint on canvas, and I suppose it will always live on. Photography tried to kill it over 100 years ago but as though it were some sort of life form it evolved and survived. But archival printing on canvas offers a new approach to the old fashion single object hand painted object.
The first canvas print came from the printer a few weeks ago. I took a picture to illustrate scale. Please note that due to lighting conditions with my cell phone snapshot the colors are not exact.

This is the first of a group of work that I want to make to target the interior design market. That sounds rather commercial and it is. There is no reason why people in offices, commercial spaces, or residences should be in an insipidly decorative box. I know from my experiences lightly stimulating color and pattern can feed the mind. Here is an article related to art in offices expanding this idea.
The title, A Solution to a Problem, is a reference to the acceleration of motivation that occurs when a challenge (business or life) is met with a possible solution.
The archival print medium can provide a high quality art object yet can be replicated. I think of it as though it is a piece of furniture. And I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Below is this image flat on.

digital print on canvas
36″ x 36″ (91.44 cm x 91.44 cm)
Thank you for taking the time to read this update as I continue to roll out my art business.