I transitioned into a rabbit. Well sort of. There is a big company that “allows” me to place my videos and images on its media site. I am not following the Internet design principle of never opening a new window on a link (this rabbit picture) so I warn you now.
The desert has a lot of wild rabbits who love the unnatural green turf.
Orville Pickle knew the value of planning ahead, and had lived up to the high ideals of pragmatism he extolled to anyone unfortunate enough to be within earshot. Mr. Pickle carefully planned a long career at the Acme Accounting Corporation, a large accounting firm known for its superior service to some of the largest multinational corporations in the world. His work was well regarded by his superiors and his work ethic was exemplary.
After decades of dedication he had finally reached the age where a comfortable retirement had been earned. Beautiful South Florida was the chosen destination for the hard working Orville. The very first day of his well deserved retirement he decided to take a lounge chair outdoors to rest under a large coconut tree.
The sweet smelling warm breeze reminded him how wise he had been to plan ahead so well. The breeze began to pick up a bit. As the wind hit the top of the tree a coconut dislodged and came tumbling down on Orville Pickle’s head. Orville Pickle was killed instantly.
Author’s Comments: I actually did some “research” on this topic and found that coconuts are actually quite dangerous. I can only recommend the wearing of hard hats in the zones of risk.
In the mean time I observed a rare rain event.
Rare Rain Over Desert Mountains
As you have, for whatever reason, made it down to this point you are no doubt aware that your valuable time has now been wasted reading a post of basic nonsense. Thank you for participating in the journey.
Obviously I am not the most prodigious blogger of all time as over a year has passed from my last update. Fear not for I am back. For those who may have attempted contacting me via the contact form and not been able to due to technical errors, I hope I have resolved that problem. I just discovered that the big company (and I mean really BIG) that handles my mail server made a change that had not realized. I think all is OK with my contact form now.
This site may contain things that people may not like. It may cover topics such as drugs, nudity, alternative lifestyles, and all that fun stuff. It may also contain rather boring stuff as well. And it places a cookie in your browser to simply indicate that you clicked to dismiss this notice. Rest assured this site does not know who you are and does not care who you are. Be anonymous!