It’s really none of my business to go around redesigning State flags, but I thought the State of Florida’s flag has been due for an overhaul for a long time. So as though I have nothing better to do than spend the days re-designing flags, here’s my new idea:

When I lived in Florida some people posting in the comments sections of various websites would actually make the claim that the current design was NOT modeled after the Confederate battle flag. Come on people get real. Anyway my idea is to turn the red bars just a bit so there will now be no connection to the stars and bars at all.
The great thing is that if the flag were changed, it could be phased in. State and local governments, schools, etc. could replace the old flags as they wore out, since it would be very hard to tell the difference when hanging on a flag pole.
There are tons of political blathering all over the Internet, so I better not add more. But I am actually hopeful this time things that are not right may actually be addressed. I think the straw has broken the camel’s back. Good news but poor camel.
UPDATE 12-15-2022: I said bye bye Sunshine State a few years ago. Please pay no attention to this post. As far as I’m concerned Bugs Bunny can saw the State off and let it float away.